Purchase eWay-CRM

Ready to go? Here is how.

This guide explains how to start with the monthly subscription and upgrade your Free or Trial version.

  1. Go to the Manage Subscriptions section in Administration Center. You need to have eWay-CRM account with administrator permissions to do so.

  3. In the Manage Subscriptions select license you want to use. For more information about modules and licenses, please go to Compare Plans.
  4. Manage Subscriptions


  5. Select the modules and licenses you need and click Buy Now where you finish the order.
  6. Tip
    Please, notice the Commitment switch. If you have a yearly commitment turned on, you have a discount on all modules you purchase.

    finish the Order


  7. Specify company details, when they are not already filled, and click Apply.
  8. Fill in Form


  9. Read and accept the order. This is required. Then, click Pay.
  10. Number of Licences


  11. Enter your credit card and click Pay.
  12. Confirm conditions


  13. As soon as the purchase is complete, you can assign the licenses to your team – just click Redistribute Licenses for existing users or Add New Users. We will send you an invoice in 1-2 business days.
  14. Redistribute licenses

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