Import Contacts from Microsoft 365

Applies to
To use import from Microsoft 365, your eWay-CRM must run in our cloud. If you use eWay-CRM on-premises, this feature will not be available.
Tip for elimination of duplicates
You can import contacts you already have in eWay-CRM. To prevent duplicates, turn on the duplicate check in the Administration Center > Features > Contacts & Companies. Turn on Check for duplicates (by any of the email addresses). MoreĀ here.
ATTENTION: If the duplicity check is turned on, values of existing contacts in eWay-CRM can be overwritten by values from Microsoft 365 account during the import.
  1. When you are in eWay-CRM Online, click Go to > Contacts. In Contacts click Import from Microsoft 365.
  2. Import from Microsoft 365

  3. You will see a dialog where you can select a folder to import.
  4. Import dialog


  5. If you click Select a folder, you will be logged into your account, unless it is not the same as you used to sign in to eWay-CRM. In this case, you will be asked to sign into your Microsoft 365 account. After successful login, you will see folders of contacts as you have in Microsoft 365. Select those folders you want to import. Another folder can be added by clicking Add a contacts folder.
  6. Select folder


  7. Before import, you have some other options: You can categorize contacts in each folder by different categories to easily recognize them in eWay-CRM. Or click Automatically create companies in eWay-CRM, so companies will be created and related to your contacts in eWay-CRM.
  8. Other settings


  9. If you have emails in your Microsoft 365 account that you want to have in eWay-CRM, just mark Include emails and select how old emails you want to import. If you are satisfied with the setting, click Import.
  10. Include emails


  11. In the dialog, you can see the progress of the import.
  12. Import progress


  13. You will be informed about the successful finish of the import.
  14. successful import


  15. Now, you can use all your contacts (and emails) in eWay-CRM.
  16. successful import

Tip for automatic creating of companies
During the importing of contacts from Microsoft 365 to eWay-CRM, companies can be also created automatically. To turn on this option, go to Administration Center > Features > Contacts & Companies. Turn on Automatically create companies when importing contacts from Outlook. MoreĀ here.