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Create Custom Forms

Customize eWay-CRM Dialogues so that they fit your needs.




  1. eWay-CRM Desktop
  2. eWay-CRM Online

eWay-CRM Desktop

  1. Basics of Form Designer
  2. Customization Panel
  3. Grouping

Basics of Form Designer

Don’t forget to place fields in your custom forms into groups. If a field is not part of a group, it will not be displayed in eWay-CRM Online.

Form Designer allows you to easily edit default layouts so that you can keep only the necessary fields and organize them in the most convenient way. Your forms are visible to all users but they can be customized only by users with administration permissions.

  1. Open a card where you want to customize the layout (e.g. company, contact, deal).

  3. Click Form Designer in the upper part of the window.
  4. Form Designer


  5. The Customization Panel will appear. You can drag and drop its elements to create your custom layout (see more details below). To apply changes, click Save Form.
  6. Save Form


  7. When you are saving your form, this dialog pops up:
  8. Save Layout


  9. You can save the form only for the current type, or you can set it for all item types. Click OK to confirm your choice. When you click Advanced, you will see the dialog, where you can select specific types on what new form will be applied. Click OK to confirm your choice.
  10. Note
    The form is related to the type of an item. The type specifies the item. A deal can have a different type for opportunity or potential client; a project can be a job, internal project, or complaint, etc. For more information about types and their creation, go to Create a New Workflow. Save different forms for different types. Then if you select the type, your form will change.
    If you make a new form and save it for all types, the form will be the same for all types.

    Advanced Layout Saving


  11. It is possible to save multiple layouts under different names. To see the list of saved layouts, right-click the Design a Form icon in the top part of the dialog.
  12. Modify List of Forms

Customization Panel

The Customization Panel consists of control elements and separate fields (both default and custom).

Customization Panel

You can use the panel to add fields onto the form or hide them through drag-and-drop. If you want to use a custom field, you need to create it in advance. Here is how.

Control elements allow you to create layouts of any complexity by combining the order and hierarchy of the elements on the form.

Empty Space Items

Empty Space Items are ’empty cells’ within the form that can be used to separate groups of fields and keep your layout tidy.


Before Empty Space


With Empty Space

To add Empty Space, drag-and-drop it onto the place you want.

To delete an empty space item from the form, drag it back to the Customization Panel or select it and press the Delete key.


You can use splitters to quickly resize layout elements.


Before Splitter


With Splitter

To add a splitter, drag it between blocks. You may want to right-click on any of this blocks and select Best Fit to level out blocks automatically.

To delete a splitter from the layout, drag it back to the Customization Panel or select it and press the Delete key.


Separators allow you to draw a divider between layout objects. As a result, a new separator is created and displayed at the position where it is dropped.


Before Empty Space


With Separator

To delete the separator from your layout, either drag it back to the Customization Panel or select it and press the Delete key.


You can group fields into regular groups or you can create a tabbed group to organize regular groups.

Regular Groups

You can group fields and give it a specific name like in the example below.


Before Grouping


Grouped Fields

To do that, follow the instruction.

  1. Select fields you want to group while pressing Shift on your keyboard,

  3. Right click and select Group.
  4. Group Fields


  5. Right click again and select Rename.
  6. Rename Group


  7. Specify the name and press Enter on your keyboard.

  9. Click Save Form.

  11. To ungroup fields, right click the block and select Ungroup.
  12. Ungroup Fields


Tabbed Groups

Tabbed groups allow you to combine several blocks with the similar information into a single tabbed group.


Before Tabbed Group


Tabbed Group

  1. Right click each block and select Create Tabbed Group.
  2. Create Tabbed Group


  3. Blocks will appear as in the picture below.
  4. Two Groups


  5. Now you can consolidate both groups into a single tab through drag-and-drop.
  6. Join Two Groups

    Alternatively, you can add a new tab by right clicking the block and selecting Add tab.

    Add Tab to Group


  7. Click Save Form. You should be able to switch between your tabs now.
  8. Tabbed Group


  9. If you want to name the tabbed group, right click the whole block and select Group.
  10. Group Tabbed Group


  11. Right click again and select Rename.
  12. Rename Tabbed Group


  13. Specify the name and press Enter on your keyboard.
  14. Tabbed Group


  15. Click Save Form.

eWay-CRM Online

eWay-CRM Online does not include the option to design your own form, but you can set a form (created in eWay-CRM Desktop) to be displayed as the default for a specified group.

Set the Layout for a Group

This feature is available in module Contacts & Companies (Enterprise).
The function described below has an effect only in eWay-CRM Online.

The feature intends to have same forms for all users in one group.

  1. First, you need to set a default group to a user. Go to the Users section in the Admin Center. Now, select a user and double-click the row or click the pencil icon to edit it.
  2. Select a user


  3. In Default Group select the default group for this user. For example, the manager should have special form so select the group Manager. Confirm your choice by clicking Save.
  4. Set the default group


  5. In the list of users, you can see what group is default for a user – see the Groups column.
  6. Default group of a user


  7. Go to the Groups section. Select a group you want to set default layout to and double-click the row or click the pencil icon to edit it.
  8. Select group


  9. Go to the Default Layout tab. You can see the list of all modules you can set default layouts to.
  10. Default layouts


  11. Select default layouts for the modules. For example, if a manager should see the Opportunity form, select it. Confirm your choice by clicking Save. If you are not sure how to create different forms, please see Create Custom Forms.
  12. Note
    If you set a default layout for a group, the change of type on the item does not change the form as it normally does (see Create Custom Forms). The form remains same – the one that is set as default.

    Select default layout

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