Outlook CRM Background

Create a New Workflow

To Automatize the Daily Routine.



Tutorial for

  1. Workflow Introduction
  2. Basic Workflow
  3. Advanced Workflow

Workflow Introduction

Workflow represents a set of steps everybody needs to follow in order to close a sales opportunity or finish a project. It corresponds to a company’s standard internal processes and allows users to automate them to ensure that everyone follows the same steps. Workflow can automatically generate tasks, send email notifications, check for mandatory fields or make sure all proper documents are attached. In eWay-CRM, you can set up your own workflows in Deals, Projects, Documents, Marketing Campaigns, Bookkeeping Records, Time Sheets, Leaves and Bonuses.

The workflow panel is displayed on the top of a dialog box.

Workflow Statuses

The different colors give different meaning to individual statuses:

Current StatusBlue background: the current status of the item.
Available StatusGreen background: available statuses you can click on.
Locked StatusGrey background: not active.
Selected StatusWhite background: the new status you clicked on before saving.

eWay-CRM comes with some predefined workflows, but you may want to create your own workflow from the scratch. Let’s create a new workflow for a deal as an example.

Basic Workflow

Step 1 – Create New Deal Type

  1. Click the link to go to the setting of the deal workflows. You need to have eWay-CRM account with administrator permissions to do so.

  3. In the top part of the deal types list, just write in the name of your new type and confirm it.
  4. New Deal Type

Step 2 – Create a New Workflow

  1. The new type is created. Now you have the option to create a Basic Workflow and Advance Workflow. This article is focusing on basic workflow. If you want to know more about the advance workflow, please read our knowledgebase.
  2. New Workflow Diagram


  3. When you click Basic Workflow, just click + for adding new statuses of your workflow.
  4. New Workflow Diagram


  5. Now just add all your statuses you want to have in the workflow. You can add the translation for the status or set the probability of winning the deal in the current status.
  6. Statuses on New Workflow


  7. And that’s it. Now, save the changes. Your workflow is created. In this setting, you can rename workflows, edit statuses, move them, and delete them. Always save your changes.
  8. Save New Workflow


  9. In eWay-CRM Desktop, wait for 30 sec for automatic synchronization or synchronize changes manually. To do that, right-click on the eWay-CRM agent in the system tray and select Synchronize.
  10. Synchronization


  11. Now, you can open a deal and change its type to see and work with your new workflow. If you cannot see the Type field in eWay-CRM Desktop, just click the Form Designer icon in the top toolbar of the dialog.
  12. Form Designer


  13. Here, drag and drop the Type field into the dialog and save it for all types. For more information about own forms, please go to Create Custom Forms.
  14. Type field


  15. Now, you can change the type to one with your new workflow – you can see it in the part of the dialog above the fields and their values.
  16. Change type

If you want to convert a deal right into project, please read this article: Convert Deal to Project, Company or Contact.

Advanced Workflow

Step 1 – Create a New Deal Type

  1. Press SHIFT and click Administration Center on the eWay-CRM ribbon in Outlook Desktop.
  2. Administration Center


  3. Under the Module Settings section click the Drop Down Menus item and double-click Lead Type.
  4. Lead Type


  5. In the dialog, go to the empty row in the FileAs column. Insert the name of the type and press TAB or the down arrow.
  6. New Deal Type


    If you want to convert a deal to a project, read this article: Convert Deal to Project, Company or Contact


  7. Click OK.

  9. In eWay-CRM Desktop, wait for 30 sec for automatic synchronization or synchronize changes manually. To do that, right-click on the eWay-CRM agent in the system tray and select Synchronize.
  10. Synchronization

Step 2 – Create a New Workflow for Your Deal

  1. Under the Module Settings section click the Workflow Diagrams and under the Home tab, click New.
  2. Workflow Diagrams


  3. Specify Workflow Name and select Module and Type. Click OK.
  4. Select Workflow Type


  5. In new dialog, type in statuses. Fill in cells in the FileAs columnd using the TAB key or down arrow on your keyboard. If you are done, click Finish.
  6. Workflow Statuses


  7. If you want to move the status up or down od delete it, just use the buttons on the right side of the dialog.

  9. In eWay-CRM Desktop, wait for 30 sec for automatic synchronization or synchronize changes manually. To do that, right-click on the eWay-CRM agent in the system tray and select Synchronize.
  10. Synchronization

Step 3 – Create a Flow Between Statuses

  1. Select Create New flow.
  2. Create New Flow


  3. Specify Parent Status and Child Status and click Next.
  4. Select Flow


  5. If you want to change the name of the status, you can do it now, or just click Next.
  6. Change Status Name


  7. Select the user group that will be able to change the statuses or just click Check all if all users will be able to change it.
  8. User Groups of Flow


  9. You can also set actions before and after the status change.
  10. Add Actions

    Actions will run wen you make the status change. For example: If you change the deal status from Proposal to Accepted, eWay-CRM allows you to:


  11. Check the workflow summary and finish its creation by clicking Finish.

  13. In eWay-CRM Desktop, wait for 30 sec for automatic synchronization or synchronize changes manually. To do that, right-click on the eWay-CRM agent in the system tray and select Synchronize.
  14. Synchronization


  15. go through steps 1-6 and set flow between other statuses. In the end, you will have similar two columns like in the picture below.
  16. Workflow List


  17. If you want to edit or delete flows, click the Designer tab and select Edit Flow or Delete Flow.
  18. Edit or Delete Flow


  19. Now, you can open a deal and change its type to see and work with your new workflow. If you cannot see the Type field in eWay-CRM Desktop, just click the Form Designer icon in the top toolbar of the dialog.
  20. Form Designer


  21. Here, drag and drop the Type field into the dialog and save it for all types. For more information about own forms, please go to Create Custom Forms.
  22. Type field


  23. Now, you can change the type to one with your new workflow – you can see it in the part of the dialog above the fields and their values.
  24. Change type

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