Contacts & Companies - Master eWay-CRM

Let’s start with the most valuable data in any organization – your customers.

Step 1: Build your customer database

First, you need to build a reliable database of your customers. Or simply import it from Microsoft Outlook / Excel.

  1. Click New on the eWay-CRM ribbon and select Contact.

Add New Contact

  1. Specify details (Full Name, Email Address, Phone Number, etc.) and click Save.

Fill Values of Contact

  1. To create a company for this contact, click on the + sign.

Relate Company

  1. Fill in the company details and save and close the record.

Outlook CRM Tip Tip for you: Have a look at how to import data from Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Excel.

Outlook CRM Tip Tip for eWay-CRM Premium: Have a look at eWay-CRM Mobile and eWay-CRM Web. The new contact and company are already there.

Step 2: Start writing call / meeting minutes

As you pick up the phone or go to a meeting, take notes and write down anything important.

  1. On the contact dialog, click Add New and choose Journal.

Add Journal to Contact

  1. The Subject contains just a short title. Your details go to the Note. Don’t forget to select the Type – i.e. Call or a Meeting. Click Save.

Fill Values of Journal

  1. Now, you can find all your activities under the Journal tab in the contact dialog.

Journal Tab

Outlook CRM Tip Tip for eWay-CRM Premium: You can make a journal in eWay-CRM Mobile too. To find our more, please visit this link.

Step 3: Schedule follow-ups

Almost every meeting or a phone call results in a follow-up task. Keep your agenda in order, and you will always know what to do next.

  1. You can create a follow-up task from the contact or the journal entry. Let’s pretend we are still in the middle of the previous phone call, so the journal record is still in front of us. Click Add New and choose Task.

Add Task to Journal

  1. A task window will pop up. Specify SubjectStart Date, Due Date, Status, Priority. Set up the Reminder if needed. Click Save and Close.

Fill Values of Task

  1. As a result, the task will appear in various places. It will be visible in both – the journal entry and the contact dialog. Also, you will find it in the Tasks list.

Tasks Tab

Outlook CRM Tip Tip for you: Apply the same approach without the Journal and click the Add New Task button on the contact dialog. It works the same way.

Step 4: Attach all important emails

Organized emails in eWay-CRM will help you keep track of your conversations. Do not lose touch with your customers and deals.

  1. On the contact page, click Add New and choose Email.

Add Email to Contact

  1. The email will be linked to the contact automatically and will appear under the Emails tab.

Emails Tab

Outlook CRM Tip Tip for you: To link emails sent from Microsoft Outlook to eWay-CRM contacts, please have a look here:
How to Link Emails to Contacts Manually
How to Link Emails to Contacts Automatically

Outlook CRM Tip Tip for eWay-CRM Premium: Have a look at your mobile app and find the contact there. You will see all the information in the HUB. This way, you can access your eWay-CRM data from your pocket.

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