Make your own integrations in minutes

Zapier is a global integration and automation platform made for SMBs.

It allows you to quickly integrate eWay-CRM with more than 3,000 other apps. Without developers.

integration zapier

Choose from various templates

We made plenty of starting templates (called Zaps) so that you can integrate with the most popular apps. No need to start from the scratch.

zapier templates

Use the simple designer to create custom workflows

Source app, target app, map fields and that’s it. Can’t be any simpler. With the simple designer, anybody can integrate two pieces of software together.

zapier designer

Microsoft 365, LinkedIn, QuickBooks and 3,000+ more

Do you want to automatically convert all incoming emails to deals? Do you need to create a project if somebody submits a ticket? There is so much you can do. There are no limits.

zapier apps

Try our Connector

Check our existing Zaps or start from scratch. If you need help, let us know. We have a team ready to assist.