Outlook CRM Background

According to article 16, GDPR, subject has the right to rectification, eventually adjustment of personal data, without any unnecessary postponing.

Save the Subject’s Request

Sent by Email

  1. Open the email by double-clicking it.

  3. Click on GDPR Relevant within the top toolbar. This way the email will be saved into eWay-CRM just as if you use Save to eWay-CRM.
  4. When a window pops-up, asking whether you want to open the email, click Yes.

  6. Make sure the email has been correctly linked to a contact (eventually a deal or a project) and that the request hasn’t been sent from an address not in eWay-CRM yet, for instance.
  7. Contacts Tab on Email

    • If the email isn’t linked to a contact, press Link to Existing > Contact and choose the appropriate person.
    • Link Email With Existing Contact


    • Of course, in case you need your email linked to a deal or a project, follow similar steps.


  8. Click Save and Close.
  9. Save and Close Email

Written / Received Over Telephone

  1. Find a contact (deal, or company) who has submitted the request.
  2. Contact Window

  3. Through Add New > Journal or Add New > Document, create a new item. We use documents when we have a scan of the request. We use journals when we got the request verbally.
  4. Add New Journal or Document


  5. Fill in the request details, eventually add the scanned document.
  6. New Journal From Email

  7. Click GDPR Relevant. That will help us later with a better request identification.
  8. GDPR Relevant


  9. Click Save and Close.
  10. Save GDPR Journal

Process the Request

  1. Open the contact card.
  2. Contact Window

  3. Change the information within the requested fields.
  4. Changed Email Address


  5. Press Save or Save and Close.
  6. Save or Save and Close Contact

By clicking the History button within the toolbar on a contact card, you may find thorough records about the change being done. Therefore, it is easy to find out who and when changed what. The Activity History Tracking feature is available in eWay-CRM 5.2 and it has to be activated before.

Contact History

Save the Answer to eWay-CRM

Sent by Email

Automatic Email Tracking Is Active

  1. Write your email and click Send.
  2. Send Email


  3. A window will pop up, asking whether you want to save your email to eWay-CRM.
  4. Save Email Dialog


  5. Check GDPR Relevant field.
  6. GDPR Relevant


  7. You can choose a Superior Item.
  8. Select Superior Item for Sent Email


  9. Press OK.

Automatic Email Tracking Is Inactive

  1. Double-click the email in Sent Mail.

  3. Click Save to eWay-CRM in the top toolbar.
  4. Save Email

  5. When a window pops-up, asking whether you want to open the email, click Yes.

  7. Make sure the email has been correctly linked to a contact (eventually a deal or a project) and that the request hasn’t been sent from an address not in eWay-CRM yet, for instance.
  8. Contacts Tab on Email

    • If the email isn’t linked to a contact, press Link to Existing > Contact and choose the desired person.
    • Link Email With Existing Contact


    • Of course, in case you need your email linked to a deal or a project, follow similar steps.


  9. On the email card, click GDPR Relevant in the toolbar. That will help us later with a better request identification.
  10. GDPR Relevant


  11. Click Save and Close.
  12. Save and Close Email

Written / Telephone

  1. Find a contact (deal, or company) who submitted the request.
  2. Contact Window

  3. Through Add New > Journal or Add New > Document, create a new item. We use documents when we have a scan of the request. We use journals when we got the request verbally.
  4. Add New Journal or Document


  5. Fill in the request details, eventually add the scanned document.
  6. Add Document

  7. Click GDPR Relevant. That will help us later with a better request identification.
  8. GDPR Relevant


  9. Click Save and Close.
  10. Save GDPR Document

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