How to Return Changes When You Are Creating Newsletter

Published 24. 3. 2021



...that you can easily return changes when creating a Professional Email campaign in eWay-CRM? Marketing campaign editor in eWay-CRM automatically performs auto-saves. So if you have deleted an entire block in your newsletter, for example, you do not have to write the text again.

  1. Open a new campaign in the Marketing module.
  2. Click the Action button under the Marketing tab and select Send Bulk Email.
  3. Start creating the newsletter as usual.
  4. To undo your changes, click the History tab in the upper right corner of the editor and select one of the auto-saves.
  5. In the last step you need to confirm that you want to recall the content from history. If you are sure, click on Yes.


For more advanced tips, go to our Knowledge Base.

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