Clash of the Bots: ChatGPT-4 vs. Copilot in Edge vs. Gemini

Published 7. 3. 2024

Have you ever caught yourself chuckling at those whimsical robot friends in movies? Imagine chatbots as their cousins – slicker, savvy, without a physical body, and hopefully not plotting world domination. I'm talking about three large language model giants: ChatGPT-4, Copilot in Edge, and Gemini. Let me highlight their pros and cons from my point of view.


Table of contents:

1. ChatGPT-4: The Creative Conversationalist
2. Copilot in Edge: The Coding Buddy
3. Gemini: A Better Google Search
My Final Verdict
AI Exploration: Claude 2, Mixtral 8x7B and Llama 2


1. ChatGPT-4: The Creative Conversationalist


  • Unleashes your inner storyteller: Generate poems, scripts, musical pieces, and even code snippets.
  • Sparkling conversations: Engages in open-ended chats, bouncing ideas back and forth and exploring diverse topics.
  • Multilingual maestro: Understands and responds in multiple languages, opening doors to diverse cultures and perspectives.
  • All-Rounder: Wide range of plugins and ability to create custom chatbots for different tasks.



  • Accuracy can be shaky: Sometimes generates factually incorrect content, requiring you to double-check information.
  • Bias potential: May reflect human biases present in its training data, leading to potentially unfair or inaccurate responses.
  • Limited control: Not always able to follow specific instructions or stick to a particular style or tone consistently. Note: You can bypass this con by creating a custom GPT.
  • Context window: Token limit (word limit) restricts the depth of discussions. For complex topics or when engaging in long conversations, I find it not reliable. It often loses track of earlier parts of the conversation.
  • Outdated data: Its current knowledge is only up to April 2023. This means it might not have the latest updates or developments that have occurred since then. This gap can affect the accuracy and relevance of responses.


gpt4 context window


Ask ChatGPT to write a sci-fi story about a robot who falls in love with a human.


 2. Copilot in Edge: The Coding Buddy


  • Supercharges your coding: Suggests code completions and fixes errors, saving you time and frustration.
  • Multi-language master: Understands and assists with various programming languages, from Python to C++.
  • Adapts to your style: Learns your coding preferences and suggests solutions tailored to your specific approach.
  • Web browsing: I am using Copilot in the sidebar every day. It can perform searches or provide answers related to the webpage you’re viewing in real time.


copilot in edge writing code



  • Limited playground: Not as good for general conversation or creative writing (ChatGPT-4 is much better in this regard). Additionally, it often refuses to answer tricky questions. Sometimes it even gets “mad” and refuses to proceed with tasks.
  • Black box effect: Doesn't always explain its suggestions, making it harder to learn from its assistance.
  • Security concerns: Potential security vulnerabilities could introduce unwanted code into your projects. Microsoft has claimed otherwise but I take their word with a grain of salt.
  • Progression loss: Sometimes our conversation gets refreshed suddenly. This can be frustrating.


copilot madness


Stuck on a tricky logic loop in your Python code? Copilot might suggest elegant solutions, helping you move forward with your project.


 3. Gemini: A Better Google Search


  • Reliable knowledge source: Answers questions accurately and clearly, using trustworthy sources and avoiding misinformation.
  • Explainer extraordinaire: Breaks down complex topics into easily understandable language, making learning fun and accessible.
  • Safety first: Prioritizes safety and avoids generating harmful content. Ideal for younger users.





  • Creativity spark may flicker: Not as strong as ChatGPT in generating imaginative text formats like poems or stories.
  • Still under development: Comparatively new to the scene, meaning it is not yet as versatile as its competitors.
  • Not as customizable: Less flexibility in adapting to your specific needs or preferences compared to the others.
  • Biased image generation: Gemini is facing scrutiny due to bias in its image generation. Users reported that when requesting images of people, it was more likely to depict figures with darker skin tones.


Curious about the latest technology trends? Ask Gemini. You'll get a clear list alongside links for further exploration.


My Final Verdict

There's no single "best" chatbot, as it depends on your specific needs and preferences.

I will try to categorize them for specific tasks:

  • For creative writing and imaginative conversations: ChatGPT.
  • For coding and browsing assistance: Copilot in Edge.
  • For reliable information, clear explanations, and safe learning: Gemini.

These are just a few of the many amazing large language models out there. Keep exploring, experimenting, and have fun discovering generative AI.


FeatureChatGPT-4Gemini UltraCopilot in Edge
Language UnderstandingHigh level of natural language understandingSuperior performance in MMLU, outperforming human expertsStrong, with integration into Edge for enhanced web interactions
CodingCapable of generating and understanding codeExcels in Python code generation, surpassing GPT-4Provides coding assistance and explanations within the Edge browser
Multimodal CapabilitiesEnhanced with tools for analyzing images, PDFs, etc.Natively multimodal, understanding text, images, audio, and videoPrimarily focused on text and code, with potential web-based multimedia interactions
Performance on BenchmarksPerforms well on various benchmarksExceeds state-of-the-art results on 30 of 32 academic benchmarksNot specifically benchmarked but designed for practical web and coding tasks
Human Expert PerformanceCompetitive with human performance in many areasFirst model to outperform human experts on MMLUAims to complement human web browsing and coding efforts rather than outperform
Flexibility and EfficiencyVersatile, with applications in multiple domainsOptimized for different sizes (Ultra, Pro, Nano) for efficiency across tasksIntegrated directly into the Microsoft Edge browser for immediate assistance
Advanced ReasoningCapable of complex reasoningDemonstrates sophisticated multimodal reasoning capabilitiesAssists with logical reasoning in coding and web navigation
Real-world ApplicationWide-ranging applications from text-based tasksEnhanced capabilities for developers and enterprise, suitable for complex tasks including audio and videoDirectly integrated into browsing experience, enhancing productivity and learning
Deployment and AccessibilityBroad access through OpenAI APIAvailable in over 40 languages and 230 countries via a mobile app and advanced web platformAvailable within Microsoft Edge, enhancing the browser's functionality
Future PotentialContinuous updates and improvementsPromises significant advancements in AI reasoning and multimodal interactionsContinuous integration of Microsoft's AI advancements to enhance web interaction


AI Exploration: Claude 2, Mixtral 8x7B and Llama 2

I focused on the “big three” chatbots. But don't forget other exciting options like Claude 2, Mixtral 8x7B or Llama 2, each with unique strengths and potential to suit your needs.

Here is my shortlist:


Claude 2

Developed by Anthropic. It can summarize large-sized blocks of text. Claude 2 has a larger token size (at least for now) than ChatGPT-4. This will allow you to handle and summarize much longer documents. Even entire novels.

Update: Anthropic announced the Claude 3 model family. It includes three state-of-the-art models in ascending order of capability: Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3 Sonnet, and Claude 3 Opus. All models show mind-blowing capabilities in analysis, content creation and code generation.


Mixtral 8x7B

Developed by Mistral AI. This is a sparse Mixture-of-Experts model with even stronger capabilities than Mistral 7B. It supports multiple languages, code and has a large context window.


Llama 2

Developed by Meta. Llama 2 (Large Language Model Meta AI) is the next generation of an open-source large language model. It’s available for both research and commercial use.

Note: You can try Mixtral8x7B and Llama 2 here.