All eWay-CRM users whose web pages work with WordPress can use a synchronization bridge between the two systems. This synchronization tool copies the data from the web form automatically into CRM system.
WordPress platform market share is over fifty percent due to which it is the most popular CMS system. That is why we chose it to integrate it with eWay-CRM.
Comparison of shares of the most popular CMS in 2010 and 2017.
Source: OpenSourceCMS.com
The most popular plugin in the most popular CMS
Internally WordPress platform provides a wide range of additional paid or free functions and systems. One of the most popular plugins is Contact Form 7 that enables you to make interactive web forms.
This plugin helps you make a contact form on your web through which visitors can send their requirements or questions to your company. After filling in the contact form the latest extension of eWay-CRM automatically creates a new Deal. The respective person can see the whole record in CRM and start working.
Permanently growing new deals
From a technical point of view this new extension is a plugin internally offered by WordPress platform. Now all eWay-CRM users who work with WordPress and its active Contact Form 7 for their web can install eWay-CRM Extension for Contact Form 7. Then they can trace growing deals in eWay-CRM as a result of activities of their web users.
After the web visitor enters his/her data into the contact form a new deal is automatically created in eWay-CRM, the deal contains the name, contact e-mail and message entered into the web form by the visitor.
You can set the saved deals, their amount and form in the administration. So far eWay-CRM supports only one WordPress plugin, i.e. Contact Form 7. According to internal statistics of WordPress it is the most popular tool when making new web forms.
When compared to other similar tools Contact Form 7 has double downloads.
Plugin as an example of unlimited possibilities
eWay-CRM CTO Roman Stefko believes that compatibility of individual tools is not limited by different software versions. “Numeral 7 in the tool name Contact Form 7 is not a sequence of the version but it is a part of the name of the program,“ explains Roman.
eWay-CRM programmers were using a similar tool for WordPress for several years. The decision to provide it to customers was made based on clients‘ requirements for such a solution. “For long we have been trying to present vast capacities of our API to our clients and trying to give them real utilization examples. Therefore, we make our tools as open-source and make their codes available for free on GitHub server. Thus we demonstrate unlimited possibilities of how to use eWay-CRM through API,“ Roman explains the background of a new tool.
Roman Stefko
Save your and your team’s work and integrated your web with eWay-CRM.
Be effective. With eWay-CRM!