It's Vacation Time!

Published 1. 8. 2018

Hello, this is Katie.
I have
 recently started working as a Project Manager in Kansas City.
Feeling like a typical office person, I would like to share my experiences and maybe a few tips that I learn along the way.


How do I get everything done?

Have you been following my diary? Last time I did some research on multi-tasking and came to the conclusion that it’s actually something we should try to avoid. I’m still using the Pomodoro technique to keep my mind fresh and focused, but this time, I’ve been looking for something that helps me ensure I’m completing all my tasks.


Don’t expect help from your best friends!

Remember my friend who told me about Pomodoro? Her name is Janice. We recently went to happy hour at Julep in Westport and discussed work once again. This time was not as productive as the last. Janice and I ended up over-doing it a bit and stayed out way later than expected. Oops!

I was even a little late for work the next day, with a bit of a headache. As I walked into work – strong coffee in hand – I overheard my colleagues discussing GTD. This is exactly what I’d been looking for!


What is GTD?

GTD stands for Getting Things Done. The whole concept comes from a book with the same name, written by a guy named David Allen. The GTD method rests on the idea of moving planned tasks and projects out of the mind by recording them externally and then breaking them into smaller, more manageable tasks. This allows one to focus attention on actually completing tasks, instead of trying to remember them.

I’ve just started reading the book and I am no expert yet, but the point is to track and retrieve the information related to the things that need to get done. According to David, mental blocks we encounter are caused by insufficient 'front-end' planning. This means thinking in advance to generate a series of actions which can later be undertaken without further planning. So, it’s a kind of a technique to trick your mind. Cannot wait to read the whole thing!


Vacation is here!

And guess what? Tomorrow, I’m flying to San Diego to enjoy a whole week at the beach!

Oh, don’t worry, still no boyfriend. I am going with Janice. We’re going to be two single ladies on the loose on Coronado Island!
My colleague will be managing some of my clients while I’m away, so I plan to keep an eye on my projects by using eWay Mobile.  It allows me to check on things while I’m out of the office.  I plan to relax as much as possible, too.  I always look forward to setting my phone on airplane mode and cruising through the clouds.  I love flying!

I’ll keep you posted on what I find out after finishing the book… and if anything goes crazy at work while I’m gone!

