Hello, this is Katie.
I have recently started working as a Project Manager in Kansas City.
Feeling like a typical office person, I would like to share my experiences and maybe a few tips that I learn along the way.
My new life hacks
I sometimes use the street car when I go to the River Market. I don’t have to pay attention to traffic and instead, I can get a bit of work done on my phone. The cool thing is you can access your contacts, companies, deals, and projects from anywhere because eWay-CRM’s mobile app also works offline.
Lately, I’ve been using voice recording quite a bit. It’s so comfortable! I hit the mic icon and start talking and my words just appear! However, I never do that in the street car because our clients’ data must be kept confidential!
Date number two!
I recently started dating Ted, a guy I met through my best friend Janice.
For our first date we went to dinner, so we decided to try something athletic together the second time around. We went to Chicken N Pickle to play pickleball. I must say I’m not used to dating and was so nervous! I tried half of my wardrobe on and worked on my hair for what seemed like forever, but fortunately, the insecurity went away the moment I saw Ted. He’s so spontaneous that I have no problem being myself with him. We had a great time playing pickleball! Ted was trying to teach me, as it was my first time, and I was so bad at it. But it was fun, and I didn’t feel embarrassed at all for being clumsy. Ted was laughing with me, not at me!
I feel like our relationship is more mature than others I’ve had in the past. We talk a lot, as there is always a lot to chat about. We both really like our jobs and are always interested in what is going on in each other’s lives. In my opinion, that’s the way things should be!
The only thing that could make dating more fun is for Janice to meet someone so we could go on double dates!
The balance
I’m trying to balance my friendships and new relationship, as well as my professional life.
How do you do this? Trying to keep my life balanced between a career, staying healthy, having a relationship, and hanging out with my best friend a couple times a week is difficult.
The struggle is real!