Head in the Clouds?

Published 13. 9. 2019

Hi, this is Katie, the project manager.

Do you have your head in the clouds?

I say - Keep your feet on the ground and go for the cloud!


Busy fall

The summer has come to an end and fall has already made it absolutely clear that there will be no messing around. Vacation is over, full stop!

Apart from having lots and lots to do at the office, there was one more thing to solve. eWay-CRM has launched a US cloud and offered migrating our data. We had a manager meeting to decide upon it.

”Well, having data stored on the continent sounds amazing!“ our boss Margaret said.

“I would go for it, too,” I agreed. “I heard a guy from another company say that the speed went up dramatically. Especially sync and work in administration app are supposed to be faster.”

“It sounds rather unnecessary to me,” Josh said. “We already have a lot to do without migrating our data. If you ask me, eWay is fast enough as it is. Anyway, I bet this will take days!”


The migration

Well, Josh was wrong!

I was in charge and I have to say that communicating with the eWay team was flawless.

“And it’s done!” Roman, the eWay-CRM CTO, said triumphantly when he called me.

“What? It’s only been fifteen minutes!”

“Yeah,” Roman laughed. “From now on, your data is stored in the state of Virginia.”

Katie with her team

Delegating tasks!

When there’s lots to do, it is important to delegate wisely and efficiently. While I was looking into the migration option and speaking with eWay-CRM team, it was necessary that my team keeps the good work up! I have already been a team leader for a while now and I am confident to say that I know how to delegate tasks already. So let me sum up the crucial points!


  1. Include your team into the delegating process. I cannot highlight this point enough! Let your colleagues comment on things. This will save you from most trouble!
  2. Make sure everybody knows their role and the desired outcome. That’s the only way to ensure real determination.
  3. Evaluate regularly and don’t be afraid to give people more responsibility from time to time. Who is the person doing extra work every now and then? Don’t miss the details!
  4. Don’t be the one with their head in the clouds! Set a good example for your team and always work hard!


