Updated Helpdesk Spares Our and Client’s Time
Users of eWay-CRM can enjoy updated Helpdesk version since July. It provides more comfortable reporting of occasional incidents in a form of a ticket on which support workers can react more quickly.
Client’s satisfaction is the main goal of our customer support workers Raymond Vidot and Ondrej Vopelak. Current update of Helpdesk system significantly improved the whole process. In this interview, Raymond and Ondrej describe the work with our new Helpdesk.
Your colleague Jiri Patera, who is responsible for development of the new Helpdesk version, said that the main benefit of this update is a simplification of the system. Who inspired these changes?
ONDREJ: The changes were prepossessed with both clients’ and our demands. Clients’ ideas are of course seminal just as the functions they wish for. For us the main purpose of the current update is less complicated work with each ticket, which represents an announced incident.
RAYMOND: Through synergic effect we managed that some parts of the last update are visible even to our clients. That’s why they can work with Helpdesk in a more comfortable way and all activities related to a ticket are more rational.
How important are these changes?
O: From our view as support workers these changes are really significant. Thanks to them we can work faster. The key factor for us is to get the right information at the right time. That’s where all these changes were headed.
The main purpose of the update was to simplify the whole system?
R: It was not only about simplification, many processes were updated. There is now all key information placed in the heading of each ticket. But changes and hidden customizations affected many parts of the Helpdesk.
O: We always try to be as open and clear as possible with our customers. That’s why e-mail notifications received by clients have been changed. Their new form is a huge advance. We can say that visible changes of Helpdesk are few because most of them are cosmetic and the biggest is the change of design.
You said there are both visible and invisible changes. Do you mean it from the user view?
R: All users of Helpdesk can see visible changes, both us as support workers and our customers. If we talk about invisible changes, I can mention new functions related to e-mail sending. There was a huge amount of work.
How do the users react?
O: We need to remember that eWay-CRM users are used to an intuitive system and control. This intuitiveness disappears a little when they enter the Helpdesk system. There is no more Outlook interface in the Helpdesk which clients are used to and which is quite a big unique selling point of eWay-CRM. But I believe that after the current update we are closer to the user’s comfort that they are used to.
Are there any differences between the demands of users from the Czech Republic and abroad?
R: Not many. The system remains the same and works for all users in the same way.
What is the main benefit of current changes in Helpdesk?
R: Current changes have improved the accessibility of the whole system and have definitely made our work a lot easier. Working with a ticket is now significantly faster because, and this must be said, that every click and every second counts.
O: If I have to search for some information or edit some past ticket to answer the question from someone else, it takes tens of seconds. Every day I process dozens of tickets and that’s why the extra time is quite relevant.
Ondrej Vopelak
Can you give an example?
O: Until now we had to search every ticket’s Company. That means to open eWay-CRM, find that company and a relevant contact for a specific person. Now it is visible straight on the ticket. Only this change can save two or three minutes for each ticket.
Do you have some new demands for more changes?
O: I already have a list of future demands because Helpdesk is not static, it is a living organism. And next to our continuous demands, there is feedback coming from our clients. This feedback is very important for us and we work with it intensively.
R: I have some demands too, but only with low priority. None of them is fatal, otherwise we would solve it immediately. Anyway, we are gathering some improvement tips all the time and our developing guys respond to them every half a year.
Do you release Helpdesk updates regularly?
O: Not now but it is obvious that the time has come. We will start to release updates in regular cycles.
Is it a natural development?
O: Definitely, it is. Five years ago, when I joined eWay-CRM, Helpdesk was just a support system and not even the ticket system was strongly updated. Important changes started some two years ago. That´s why we are heading to the state, when we will gather particular demands and once in a while we will release an update.
And what if a crucial change is needed?
R: Fortunately, we are not in the state of solving some really basic issues, such as not receiving e-mails or something like that. Such problems we will solve immediately, of course. The current Helpdesk is literally bullet proof. It can be said that we have never met any real grave problems.
What has changed?
O: We stepped over some threshold and reached another level. We currently have a developed and tuned system. There is no problem to say to our clients - let’s use it! We are proud of the current state.
Did you present come kind of a demo version to chosen clients?
O: No, we don’t work this way.
How is the clients’ feedback?
R: The update has been out since last week, so it is still fresh. But we have one client which likes to create new tickets through Helpdesk, which we are of course happy about. And he really praises the new look.
Who sends more demands, your team or clients?
O: It’s difficult to say. In the number of demands, we send more. But clients’ demands are of more quality. It is logical, because we work inside that system and even if we try we don’t have the distance needed.
Is the best way to report an incident still sending an e-mail?
R: Definitely, yes. E-mail is the most effective way for both us and clients. In just three clicks we can find where the problem is and choose an adequate reaction. Anyway, every phone call will be ended with us asking “and can you please send me an error log?”.
Phone call is more a psychological issue…
O: Of course, I understand there can be some stress caused by something what doesn’t work. You might feel that you will speed things up if you call the support line. But for us the file with record of errors, the log, is key. We can analyze it and in ninety percent of cases, we will immediately know where the problem is.
R: It often happens that we can’t answer the phone because we are logged in the client’s computer because of his e-mail demand.
The changes of the new Helpdesk are also described in the last week’s article.