The good guy and the bad guy? Not at all! Both of them are good guys and they are here for you.
The sales representative, who makes the deal with you and the project manager to make eWay-CRM run perfectly and meet your needs.
The brain of the client co-operation process, executing and planning operations from his office. His name is Jiri. A perfectly calm guy.
Action hero. David. The one who makes eWay-CRM perfect and smooth for you.
He is the one to complete the whole implementation process.
This team shows why two are more than one.
They are here for you, so you can become satisfied e-Way-CRM client.
I personally caught them in the act of helping clients.
Jiri and David have been interrogated by me.
Jiri Tvorik: Sales Manager
David Pejsek: Project Manager for eWay-CRM implementation
Good afternoon, gentlemen! I know well that you are both extremely busy. So, thank you for your time.
Can't wait to start my investigation! I would first like to inform everyone about how to become our clients, what are the proposed steps and who will guide them through such a process.
Jiri: That doesn't necessarily have to be one of us.
(note: Jiri and David are just an example of a great team that takes care of customers since the moment they download our Trial version for free.)
I am curious about the whole process, what are the steps?
Jiri: The whole process of getting a new customer is completely systematic. From the moment a customer contacts us, or even before, just when he downloads eWay-CRM or fills our contact form, he appears within our internal eWay-CRM.
From that moment I can see him or her as a Deal (note: an eWay-CRM module for tracking opportunities) and I can connect the customer. I can plan an appointment. It can sometimes be a face-to-face meeting, but usually we communicate through screen sharing. It is an unpaid consulting service where we go through all the things eWay-CRM is able to do, how the specific client can use it in the most effective way for his kind of business.
So, it is a consultation, not an interrogation! Eventhough the results should be similar.
Jiri: Yes. After I will find the elementary processes in the client company, I do basic settings in eWay-CRM.
We easily get to the detail, where we can adjust those things, which can be tailor-made for each customer.
Sometimes, the client then asks for more specific customization. That is the time for me to carry out a first draught, based on our previous experience from various fields.
And then it's time for your "Dave" to take over the client?
David: I want to, but it´s not the right moment yet.
First, Jiri needs to deliver a calculation for this draught and tailor-made customization.
If the client agrees, we prepare an invoice and the client signs it.
Jiri: Then it is the time for David.
And who is the good guy and who the bad guy?
Unisono: Both of us are good. This is about the clients, who will then be using our system for years. We just try to get as much information as possible about their needs and processes. If they are not sure, we try to lead them at the beginning.
So, David, the Project Manager, takes over when the client signs the contract?
Jiri: Yes. Most importantly, I create a Project from a Deal in eWay-CRM for him. That automatically creates David a Task and he can start working on him.
What happens then?
David: It can be either an easy customization, meaning they do not need some of our modules. In these cases, the set up is usually ready and my job there is fairly marginal. The main job has already been done by my team mate.
The Project Department is there for those clients that need a specific customization, links, data transfers etc.
The first step is creating an implementation team from both sides. I am the Project Manager from our side, somebody else is the responsible person from the client side. We are always happy if more users join, because later on, they will also be using eWay-CRM. And then the final, detailed implementation analysis. That is a key to success.
And your collegaue Jiri? Is he out of the process now?
Jiri: Oh no, I´m not! From the very beginning, I am the one to deliver information to David, in order for the transmition to be smooth. I also have current data considering the customization status.
After finishing the project, the client becomes a Client in eWay-CRM and I'm again in charge of him.
And how did you two get together as a famous pro-client team?
How did you appear in eWay-CRM? Are you originally client hunters, or care givers?
Jiri: I am originally a Master in Japanese studies! Then, while studying, I started working for Memos Software, a company that created the basis of eWay-CRM. I started as a guy on the phone making appointments, then I stared going on them with the Sales director and later I was able to deal with clients on my own.
That is how I became a CRM sales manager.
Then David came and we became a proffesional team.
David: Same for me, after studies on University of Economy I somehow sneaked into a befriended software company and then into eWay.
What about your hobbies?
Jiri: eWay and home. Work, work and family.
David: I love sports.
Jiri: Yeah, he is a real Iron Man! Seriously, he runs, swims, rides a bike and he is just better and better.
And how are you as a team?
Both: Helpfull and determined.
We are a team that evaluates things together, so that a transition from one to another and back can be as smooth and comfortable for the client as possible.
We are a team for you!
Thank you for the interview, gentlemen. I wish you a lot of great and satisfied clients and solid, cooperating team.
Are you interested? Contact us by email [email protected] or by phone (816) 256-8784.
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