How Can a CRM Help Boost Your Business Performance?

Published 28. 8. 2023

If you're running a business, CRM is something you would have heard about. It's not just a fancy tech term; it's a tool that helps businesses grow. And importantly, it’s a tool that’s not just for large organizations. Any business, from small to large can reap the rewards a CRM brings.

Let's say you're thinking about how to make your customers happier or get your team working more efficiently. A CRM can help with that. CRM software incorporates hundreds of business processes and is like a central hub where you keep track of every detail about your customers.

But what if your team already uses Outlook for emails and appointments? Well, some CRM systems can fit right into Outlook, so it feels familiar. Imagine having all those customer details right where you need them, without learning a bunch of new stuff.

In this article, we'll dive into how CRM can boost your business, focusing on making customers happy, helping your team work better, and how it can be operated from the familiar interface of Outlook.

If you've been on the fence about CRM, these facts about how CRM can boost your business might just be the nudge you need.


Fun fact
Well-conceived Customer relationship management can boost sales by around 29%.


Table of Contents:

An Important Business Tool: CRM Software Incorporates Hundreds of Business Processes
Integration with Outlook: A User-Friendly Approach
Making the Decision: Is a CRM the Right Tool for Your Business?
Evaluating and Implementing CRM with Outlook in Your Business
A Comprehensive Look at eWay-CRM’s Transformation of MBK Consulting
A Tailored Approach to Business Growth and Efficiency


An Important Business Tool: CRM Software Incorporates Hundreds of Business Processes

From small enterprises to multinational corporations, CRM software incorporates hundreds of business processes making it a linchpin in customer engagement. It not only streamlines operations but also enhances team productivity. How does it do this? Let’s take a closer look at the numerous advantages a CRM brings to a business:


Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

  • Personalized Communication: CRM systems store individual customer profiles, including their preferences, purchase history, and interactions. This information enables businesses to personalize offers, recommendations, and communication, thus fostering loyalty and repeat business.
  • Efficient Response to Customer Queries: The instant access to customer information that CRM provides ensures that customer queries are resolved quickly and effectively. Whether it's billing issues or product questions, everything needed to satisfy the customer is readily available.


Improved Team Productivity

  • Automation of Routine Tasks: CRM automates repetitive tasks such as scheduling follow-up calls, sending reminder emails, or managing marketing campaigns. This automation liberates staff to concentrate on more meaningful tasks that demand human creativity.
  • Enhanced Focus on Core Business Objectives: By centralizing data and providing insights, CRM helps businesses identify trends, measure performance, and make data-driven decisions. It aligns all departments towards common goals, ensuring everyone is working in harmony.
  • Real-time Analytics and Reports: Integration with analytics tools like Power BI provides real-time insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and more. This real-time information empowers businesses to react swiftly to market changes and opportunities.


Did you know?
A CRM can boost team productivity by nearly 40%.


Strengthened Team Collaboration

  • Centralized Information System: With CRM, all customer interactions are recorded and accessible to all relevant staff. Whether sales, marketing, or support, everyone has access to the same information, ensuring consistency in communication and collaboration across teams.
  • Cross-Departmental Coordination: CRM breaks down silos between departments by providing a unified platform where everyone can see how their role aligns with others. This transparency fosters collaboration and synergy between teams.
  • Support for Remote Work: Cloud-based CRM and mobile solutions enable remote access from anywhere, ensuring uninterrupted collaboration and access to critical business information, regardless of location.


Robust Project Management Capabilities

  • Monitoring Deliveries, Tasks, and Subtasks: From initial planning to final delivery, CRM provides an overview of all project stages. It helps track deadlines, manage resources, and identify potential bottlenecks, ensuring timely and efficient project completion.
  • Centralizing Communication: Communication tools within CRM keep all team interactions in one place, fostering collaboration and minimizing misunderstandings. Alerts and notifications ensure that everyone stays on track.
  • Timesheet Integration: CRM's timesheet functionalities allow for the logging and tracking of work hours, making resource allocation and billing more transparent and precise.


Streamlining Sales and Analytics

  • Unified Management of Deals and Leads: CRM offers a consolidated view of all leads and opportunities. Sales teams can track progress, prioritize leads, and manage the entire sales cycle efficiently from one platform.
  • Integration with Lead Generation Tools and PowerBI: By integrating with other platforms and tools, CRM becomes a powerful hub for not just managing leads but generating them. The connection with PowerBI enables deeper analytics, translating raw data into actionable insights.


Empowering Email Marketing

  • Comprehensive Campaign Management: CRM allows for the creation, execution, and tracking of email marketing campaigns. You can segment your audience, personalize content, and track engagement, conversions, and ROI in one place.
  • Turning Potential into Deals: Analyzing user behavior through CRM enables the business to identify opportunities and tailor communication strategies. By understanding what resonates with potential clients, businesses can craft offers that convert leads into actual deals.


CRMs foster customer loyalty through personalized communication and efficient query resolution. By automating routine tasks, CRMs elevate team productivity and collaboration, aligning all departments towards common goals.

With robust project management capabilities, CRM streamlines planning and communication, while its integration with tools like PowerBI enhances sales analytics. In email marketing, CRM provides a comprehensive platform for managing campaigns, converting potential leads into deals.


Integration with Outlook: A User-Friendly Approach

So now that we have discussed the general benefits of a CRM when it comes to boosting business performance, let’s discuss how integrating a CRM with Outlook adds even greater value.

Perhaps you're already using Outlook for emails, scheduling, and contacts. But have you ever thought about what would happen if you could plug your CRM right into it?


CRM in Outlook


Let’s take a look at how integrating CRM with Outlook boosts business performance:


Familiar Interface

  • Low Learning Curve:
    Imagine your team using a CRM system that feels like the Outlook they already know. That means no headaches trying to learn a brand-new system. It's like taking a test in a subject you've already mastered.
  • Quick Adoption within Teams:
    Because it's so familiar, your team can start using CRM within Outlook right away. No lost time, just straight into boosting performance.


Improved Communication and Collaboration

  • Seamless Integration with Email, Calendar, and Contacts:
    Think about having customer details pop up right in your Outlook email. Or scheduling follow-ups that automatically show in your calendar. Or how about being able to convert an email into a task? That's what integrating CRM and Outlook can do.
  • Sharing Information without Leaving Outlook:
    No more jumping between apps. Your team can share files, notes, and more, all within the comfort of Outlook.


Did you know?
Tailored content based on a customer’s past data is currently one of the most preferred forms of customer experience.


Enhancing CRM Capabilities

  • Utilizing Outlook's Features within CRM:
    Love how Outlook manages emails and meetings? You can use those same features in your CRM, making everything flow together.


  • Improved Data Accessibility:

Access customer information, sales data, or tasks and team performance right within Outlook. Everything is available at a glance, saving time and making decision-making faster.


Consideration of Security and Compliance

  • Trusted Platform:
    Since Outlook is a trusted platform, integrating CRM into it means you're building on a solid, secure foundation.


Integrating CRM with Outlook isn't about adding complexity; it's about making things simpler and more efficient. It takes the power of CRM and puts it into a tool your team already knows and loves. If the thought of implementing CRM has ever seemed too overwhelming, this might just be the solution you've been waiting for.


Making the Decision: Is a CRM the Right Tool for Your Business?



Every business has unique needs and challenges. So, how can you determine if a CRM system, especially one integrated with Outlook, is the right choice for you? Here's what you need to consider:


Understanding Your Business Needs

  • Identifying Key Challenges: What are the current roadblocks in customer satisfaction, team productivity, or collaboration? Understanding these challenges helps you see how CRM can specifically address your needs.
  • Evaluating Current Tools and Processes: Are your existing tools meeting your needs, or is there room for improvement? Perhaps spreadsheets and fragmented processes are causing holes in your customer relationships. If so, a CRM might be the perfect upgrade.


Assessing the Implementation Process

  • Ease of Integration with Existing Systems: The beauty of CRM with Outlook is that it fits seamlessly into your existing workflow.
  • Compatibility with Company Culture and Work Habits: Implementing a new CRM system isn’t only about technical integration; it must also align with the way your team works and the culture of your organization.


A CRM that integrates with familiar tools like Outlook can minimize disruption, as it's designed to work within the habits and routines your team already has. This compatibility reduces resistance to the new system and fosters a quicker acceptance and more efficient use from day one.


Considering the Investment

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Weigh the costs of implementation against the expected benefits in efficiency, customer satisfaction, and team collaboration. An investment in CRM often pays dividends in business growth.
  • Scalability for Future Growth: Is your business growing? Choose a CRM system that can grow with you. The flexibility to adapt and expand is crucial.


Integrating CRM with Outlook is like giving your business a turbo boost, enhancing customer relationships, team productivity, and collaboration. But like any major decision, it requires careful thought and consideration.

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by managing customer data, or if you've struggled to keep your team aligned and informed, it might be time to explore what CRM can do for your business. And the best part? With the familiarity of Outlook, you're already one step ahead.


Evaluating and Implementing CRM with Outlook in Your Business

Support team


Taking the step to integrate CRM with Outlook is not just about adding new software; it's about making an informed choice that aligns with your business's unique needs and goals. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this essential decision:


Choose the Right CRM

  • Assess Compatibility with Outlook: Look for CRM systems that integrate seamlessly with Outlook, such as eWay-CRM, to ensure a smooth transition and user experience.
  • Consider Your Specific Needs: Different businesses have varied needs. Outline your essential requirements and match them with the features offered by the CRM.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Complexity: Fancy features might look appealing, but are they all necessary for your business? Avoid getting entangled with overly complex systems that could lead to unnecessary expenses.
  • Evaluate the Clarity of Data Provided: A CRM system that requires a team of experts to decode the data might not be the best fit. Look for systems that provide straightforward insights, allowing your team to utilize the information effectively.


Plan Your Implementation

  • Involve Your Team: A collaborative approach ensures that everyone understands the benefits and the process of implementation.
  • Set Clear Goals and Timelines: Establish realistic expectations and a timeline that suits your business to avoid rushing or dragging the process.


Train Your Team

  • Provide Resources and Support: Continuous training, guided by the specific features you will be using, ensures a successful adaptation to the new system.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Foster an environment where questions and feedback are welcome. Open dialogue will ease the transition and help address challenges promptly.


Monitor and Evaluate

  • Track Progress and Success Metrics: Regularly evaluate how well the CRM system integrates into daily operations and whether it’s meeting your defined goals.
  • Adjust as Needed: Be flexible and willing to make necessary adjustments based on ongoing feedback and performance evaluations.


A Comprehensive Look at eWay-CRM’s Transformation of MBK Consulting

With three decades in business, MBK Consulting confronted the mounting complexity of its operations as client numbers and services expanded. This case study meticulously details the implementation of eWay-CRM and its transformative effects on MBK Consulting's business processes and overall performance.


Background and Challenges

Complexity in Management: The growth of MBK Consulting led to a multifaceted set of challenges. With an increase in the number of clients and the introduction of new services, difficulties arose in customer acquisition, training schedule, project handling, and payment tracking. Service expansion added layers of administrative complexity, compounding these challenges.


Inefficient Existing Systems: MBK Consulting's reliance on tools like Microsoft Access and Excel had its limitations. Issues with tracking, limited sharing capabilities, and the potential for data loss became evident. The knowledge needed to extract data was centralized with the COO, creating a bottleneck that further hampered efficiency.


Solutions with eWay-CRM

Streamlining Marketing Strategies: The integration of eWay-CRM allowed MBK Consulting to create and manage email campaigns directly within Outlook, providing a unified environment that enhanced workflow.


The capability to target specific parameters such as industries and previous client engagements made campaigns more effective and personal. Additionally, eWay-CRM ensured GDPR compliance, fortifying data privacy and building client trust.


Comprehensive Project Management: eWay-CRM's automated conversion of courses into projects saved manual effort and ensured accuracy. This automation, combined with customized workflow stages, facilitated easy tracking and improved project oversight. The automatic generation of certificates replaced the time-consuming manual process, enhancing efficiency and participant experience.


Unifying Communication and Saving Time: eWay-CRM served as a centralized platform for marketing and communication, streamlining interactions and reducing delays. By eliminating redundant tasks, employees were free to focus on more strategic activities. Moreover, the accessibility of data to the entire team fostered improved collaboration and more informed decision-making.

Petra Cisarova

Results & Impact

Simplification of Workflow: MBK Consulting's comprehensive management within eWay-CRM improved efficiency and minimized errors. The smooth transition from Mailchimp to eWay-CRM consolidated all marketing efforts, contributing to a more cohesive strategy.


Enhanced Control and Efficiency: eWay-CRM's real-time tracking provided insights into project status, enabling timely interventions and greater control. The automation of invoice checking and certificate issuing minimized human intervention, speeding up processes and enhancing accuracy.


Alignment with Business Growth: The scalability of eWay-CRM supported MBK Consulting's growth trajectory, accommodating the firm’s increasing complexity. Its customizable features ensured alignment with specific needs and industry demands, making it a future-proof solution.


Customer Satisfaction Improvement: The quick access to campaign responses offered by eWay-CRM enhanced client communication, while its customized marketing techniques deepened client relationships and boosted satisfaction.


An Example of Leveraging Your CRM for Growth

This example of eWay-CRM's role in transforming MBK Consulting's operations offers a rich insight into how CRM systems can be leveraged for growth, efficiency, and customer satisfaction across various business areas.


A Tailored Approach to Business Growth and Efficiency

Investing in a CRM to boost business performance is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. It's a strategic decision that requires careful consideration of your unique business needs. Further considerations are the complexity of features, how user-friendly it is and the accessibility of the data provided.

Investing in an accessible solution like eWay-CRM can streamline business processes and reduce fragmented processes. Furthermore, a strong emphasis on team training ensures smooth adoption and maximizes the benefits of the system.

By following this roadmap, you can align your choice with your business’s needs, avoiding unnecessary expenses and complexity, and fostering a system that truly enhances performance.

The benefits speak for themselves. The decision to implement CRM with Outlook could be the catalyst for your business's next level of performance.


Considering a CRM like eWay-CRM that sits right inside your Outlook?

Read our handy tips on How To Install CRM for Outlook