Never underestimate the importance of your CRM selection team. Referring to them as your ‘dream’ team is more than accurate as they are going to be the people that ensure the success of your CRM system.
Don’t brush off team selection as just another must-do task. Put the time aside to have a detailed think and discussion about who needs to be included. The team will be a big part of the decision making process so choose who you need and not those who you think may be on your side. You may have certain ideas about what’s important with regard to CRM selection but their ideas may be different; the more variety you bring to the party, the more balanced the final decision.
Don’t just go for the big boys
OK you have to have some management included as without their buy-in; your CRM could be dead in the water. However, adoption is the biggest hurdle and they are not going to necessarily be the guys using it. You need to include people from the front line i.e. sales, marketing and customer service. They need to be fully on-board if the CRM is going to have a chance at improving efficiency. Alienate these people now and get ready for some adoption hurdles later on – something you just cannot afford.
Don’t select people randomly
Look at their track record and resume. Have they had previous experiences of CRM processes in other positions? They may even have good knowledge as well as experience. Maybe they have qualifications that include some type of CRM study? Also look out for those who have a natural understanding of how their colleagues behave. They will be very useful to have on side, forming part of a team of CRM advocates. When they extol the many benefits of the CRM to their peers, you will avoid the idea that it is only something that management want. This goes a long way towards helping with both perception and logistical issues that may hamper acceptance. A recent report shows that, on average, 48.97% of employees use a company's CRM system so it makes total sense for a good number of them to be included.
Think out-of-the-box
Try taking off your ‘CRM expert’ hat and make your CRM selection dream team unique. You don’t have to follow the same old methods when making your choice. By making your group all-encompassing and well-balanced, your CRM selection should be much more straightforward and have a much enhanced rate of advocacy.
Follow these steps and you will find that your company chooses the CRM that is right for it. Don’t rush the selection process and expect for it to take in the region of 13 weeks. The end result? Happy employees, a vastly improved customer experience and a far greater ROI.
When you are investing so much time and money into selecting a system, plumping for the first one that sounds good (according to the vendor) is not the way to go. Assemble your team wisely and you will reap the benefits.